MSK 印巴航线调整通知
2012-04-05 15:25:54  by:易物流-做最专业的建材物流交易平台 www.e6w6.com

General Rate Increase
Far East to North/West India and Pakistan

To Our Valued Customers,

Maersk Line constantly strives to provide you with more reliable and innovative
products. We offer the broadest coverage, competitive transit times in key
trade lanes, and unmatched reliability.

In order to continue offering our broad portfolio and high level of reliability, it
will be necessary for us to implement a Rate Restoration Initiative (RRI):
- RRI of USD 150/container will apply from all North East Asia (excluding
Japan) and China origins to all destinations in the North and West India
and Pakistant effective from 15th April 2012;
- RRI of USD 50/TEU will apply from all South East Asia origins to all
destinations in the North and West India and Pakistan effective from 15th
April 2012.

We thank you for your business and remain committed to delivering reliability
to your global transportation needs.

Should you have further queries, please feel free to contact your local Maersk
Line representative.

With regards,

Maersk Line

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