2012-02-03 16:56:55  by:易物流-做最专业的建材物流交易平台 www.e6w6.com

Re: Notification for Emergency Fuel Surcharge on APTD

Please be kindly informed that Coscon decide to implement Emergency Fuel Surcharge (IRIS2 code: EFS) for all shipments from Far east to APTD area with effect from Feb 15th, 2012 till further notice.

The detailed quantum of EFS as following:

To Gulf Trade

USD60/Teu for all shipments based on cargo sailing date

Payment Terms: Along with the term of freight payment.

To Redsea Trade

USD80/Teu for all shipments based on cargo sailing date

Payment Terms: Along with the term of freight payment.

To Indian Sub-continent Trade

USD60/Teu for all shipments based on cargo sailing date

Payment Terms: Along with the term of freight payment.

To East Coast of South America Trade

USD100/Teu for all shipments based on cargo sailing date

Payment Terms: Along with the term of freight payment.

To West Cost of South America Trade

USD100/Teu for all shipments based on cargo sailing date

Payment Terms: Along with the term of freight payment.

To South Africa Trade

USD80/Teu for all shipments based on cargo sailing date

Payment Terms: Along with the term of freight payment.

To Australia Trade

USD50/Teu for all shipments based on cargo sailing date

Payment Terms: Along with the term of freight payment.

To New Zealand Trade

USD60/Teu for all shipments based on cargo sailing date

Payment Terms: Along with the term of freight payment.


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